How Interest Rates are Affecting Housing in 2023

How Interest Rates are Affecting Housing in 2023

Interest rates started increasing in March 2022 and hasn’t stopped since. Rates went from below 3% to above 3% in June 2022 to 5% in May 2023. This month, September 2023, interest rates are hovering around 7%. Northern Virginia has been affected. Here’s...
Market Update August 2023

Market Update August 2023

The real estate market this summer has been a waiting game. Home sellers are waiting for mortgage interest rates to come down so they can justify moving; buyers are waiting for more homes to come on the market so they can achieve their dreams of home ownership;...
Market Update July 2023

Market Update July 2023

As the weather heats up and we experience longer days, it seems we become more active in all areas of our lives. The housing market is no different. The full month of June saw an increase in the number of homes sold and the number of homes on the market for sale. The...
Market Update June 2023

Market Update June 2023

The latest statistics show that the housing market remains to be strong in Northern Virginia. Home prices are up from last month, though still down from the pandemic-level increases of the past 2 years. And other indicators point to buyers still looking for new homes...
Why We Use Social Media to Sell Your Home

Why We Use Social Media to Sell Your Home

Social media is an internet-based platform used primarily for social networking and communication. The most popular networks include Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, and Instagram. According to Statista, …Facebook has close to 3 billion users each month, followed by...